When is the last time you accomplished something for the first time?

Hey Team,

Coach Mike here, and let me tell you about a recent success story that's got me fired up!

First off, I absolutely love receiving these kind of texts from my clients:

For years, my client Will had been chasing a something he hasn’t done since high school – an unassisted pull-up. He'd tried everything on his own for the last 4 years but could never really make it happen.

Will was frustrated and losing hope of ever being able to do a pull up as an adult…

That's until he joined my online coaching program. And let me tell you, this guy's got the will (no pun intended) to win.

We started from the ground up, focusing on building rock-solid strength and endurance. Think negatives, dead hangs that strengthen grip, and explosive dumbbell and barbell movements.

It wasn't an easy journey. There were days when Will wanted to throw in the towel, days when the pain and soreness of growth kept him moving slowly on weekends. But he never quit. He never lost sight of his goal.

And then, one glorious day, 3.5 months after starting with me, it happened.

Will cranked out his first unassisted pull-up! Not one, not two, but a full three reps!

The feelings of joy, a mix of disbelief and accomplishment filled his mind. It was in that moment he knew all the sweat, the struggle, the sacrifices had been worth it.

Will's story is a testament to the power of hard work and unwavering dedication. It's proof that anything is possible if you set your mind to it, surround yourself with the right support and focus on a tangible goal.

If you're someone who's ever been discouraged by a fitness goal, learn from Will. Don't let doubt hold you back. Take that first step, embrace the struggle, and watch as your own strength and potential explode.

And hey, if you need help getting there, my coaching program is here for you. Just like I helped Will, I can help you unlock your own inner power and achieve your fitness goals.

If you’re interested and want to learn a little bit more, about what virtual coaching looks like, visit my website here

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